As well as our main, trust-wide CPD offer, we also run various courses and conferences based on trust priorities. There are also CPD opportunities at a more local level through CPD run in our clusters and by small groups of schools. This allows us to put on training that is accessible to all staff, and has included training specifically for Teaching Assistants and also for Site Managers. We also make use of an online training platform that gives all staff access to role-appropriate training – including annual refresher training in Safeguarding and the Prevent Duty.
Y2 Writing – Getting the Basics Right
Tuesday 12th November
Microsoft Teams
EYFS/Y1 Writing – Getting the Basics Right
Wednesday 13th November
Microsoft Teams
Y3/4 Writing – Getting the Basics Right
Friday 15th November
Microsoft Teams
Y5/6 Writing – Getting the Basics Right
Wednesday 20th November
Microsoft Teams
Wednesday 4th December
9:30am & 1:30pm
Microsoft Teams
Writing Project Clusters
Monday 13th January – 1pm – St Paul's CE Primary, Huddersfield Road,Stalybridge,SK15 2PT
Tuesday 14th January – 1pm – Wybunbury Delves, Bridge Street,Wybunbury, Nantwich,CW5 7NE
Wednesday 15th January – 1pm -Christ Church Primary School, Moreton,Upton Road,Moreton,Wirral,CH46 0PB
Moderator Training
Wednesday 22nd January
The Heath Business and Technical Park, Heath Rd S, Runcorn WA7 4QX
Year 5 & Year 6 Moderation
Monday 9th June
Year 6 – 9am
Year 5 – 1pm
The Heath Business and Technical Park, Heath Rd S, Runcorn WA7 4QX
Geography – Curriculum and Fieldwork
Friday 24th January
The Heath Business and Technical Park, Heath Rd S, Runcorn WA7 4QX
Chester Diocesan Academies Trust
We believe that the quality of our School Effectiveness Support is a key benefit of CDAT membership.
Room 518,
The Heath Business and Technical Park,