Woodchurch CE Primary is a one form entry school at the heart of the Woodchurch estate in Wirral. We are very proud of our long history, with the school dating back to 1665. William Gleave, of the city of London, died in the year 1665 and left to the Parish of Woodchurch £500 to erect a Free School. £400 was to be spent on the land, £100 for the building of a School House and £20 per annum for the maintenance of a Schoolmaster for ever!
As a Church of England school, our core values are based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ. We believe that in all you are doing, you must do the best you can and be the very best that you can be. We pride ourselves on providing an inclusive environment where pupils, families and colleagues feel safe and valued. We are a caring and happy school with wonderful children and a dedicated team of staff.
We are proud of the relationships we build across our community. We encourage strong and positive relationships with our families and parents believing in the importance of working in partnership. In doing so, together, we support our children in developing personally, socially and academically whilst encouraging a lifestyle based upon the Christian values and teachings.
Having joined CDAT in October 2024 we feel privileged to be part of a family of schools which allows us to work collaboratively in ensuring that children in our school receive the very best opportunities and education.
“In all the work you are doing, work the best you can. Work as if you were working for the Lord, not for men.”
Colossians 23 3
International Children’s Bible
If you have faith as small as a mustard seed nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20Rooted in the teachings of Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit and our love of God, we aim to continue our long Christian history and tradition of serving our community.
We will plant the seeds of faith, which will enable all to grow together as a family and as individuals, living life in all its fullness and flourishing in the world, walking in the footsteps of Jesus.
01260 272 528
Chester Diocesan Academies Trust
We believe that the quality of our School Effectiveness Support is a key benefit of CDAT membership.
Room 518,
The Heath Business and Technical Park,