My journey at Wybunbury Delves started back in 1999 as a joined the school as a classteacher to Year2/3. In over 20 years of being here I have taught across the school and have developed as both a teacher and a leader – I have so many wonderful memories! It was a great privilege to be appointed as Headteacher in September 2018 – Wybunbury is a very special place to be, a wonderful family and a fantastic school. I am very lucky to have a truly dedicated team who go the extra mile and always put each child at the heart of all they do. Our children and staff are all very proud of our school and all it has to offer. We are a small school with a big heart – a happy place in which to love, learn, grow and flourish.
As a Church of England Primary school we encourage our children to experience Life in all its fullness; our school ethos and aims are based on Matthew 5: 16 'Let your light shine' and the Fruits of the Spirit provide the values which are at the heart of good choices and being a good person. A child is the 'light of their life' for every parent, a most precious and extremely precious thing. At Wybunbury Delves we feel privileged that we are trusted to form strong partnerships to nurture and foster a child to grow – for their light to shine stronger and brighter each and every day, and for that light to bring happiness to all.
We are a family – TeamWD! We love to welcome new friends to our family and we love being a part of the wider CDAT family too!
K Chesters (Headteacher)
We build a school community where each child experiences a love of learning and of life and is able to 'shine'.
Matthew 5: 16 'Let your Light SHINE'
At Wybunbury Delves we aim:
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Chester Diocesan Academies Trust
We believe that the quality of our School Effectiveness Support is a key benefit of CDAT membership.
Room 518,
The Heath Business and Technical Park,