CDAT will seek to provide the very best education for every child in its schools so that they succeed and are well prepared to move onto their next phase of education. Our ethos, based on clear, Christian values will be the foundation of all we do and by guiding and informing the actions of children, staff and governors we will:
The Board of Directors delegate the day-to-day leadership of the Trust to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and hold the CEO to account for the Trust's performance.
At a school level, the principles and expectations of governance are the same in academies as in maintained schools. Each school will have a local governing body with parent and staff representation. Each school's local governing body manages the school on behalf of the Trust in line with the Scheme of Delegation approved for each individual academy. Because the Trust provides many services centrally, it is expected that governors on the local governing body will be able to concentrate on those aspects of their role that make a positive difference to teaching and learning in their schools.
Academies are funded directly from central government through the General Annual Grant (GAG). The Trust retains a small, set percentage of this funding to pay for the provision of central services, while the vast majority of the GAG is delegated to the school. Governors are expected to ensure that this delegated spending is used prudently for the purposes intended.
We believe that all children are entitled to an excellent standard of education and that high-quality education enables children to grow and reach their potential academically, socially, creatively, physically and spiritually. Furthermore, we believe that excellence in education is based on outstanding leadership, a high-quality curriculum and excellent classroom practice. The CDAT School Effectiveness package includes a range of support in all these areas. We also provide new networking opportunities for schools to share best practice, while still encouraging schools to retain existing, effective school networks.
Our School Effectiveness package is developing all of the time in response to our schools' particular needs, and as we develop working partnerships with key external providers, such as Early Excellence. In addition to the CDAT-specific programme outlined below, all CDAT schools remain part of the DBE core family of schools and are able to access DBE training, which covers aspects of Christian/church school distinctiveness, leadership, support for RE and preparation for SIAMS.
These involve:
CDAT is there for you
A programme of professional development which is focused on key priorities for our schools, as well as national priorities. Recently, this has included:
We believe that the quality of our School Effectiveness Support is a key benefit of CDAT membership. Schools are supported by an experienced School Improvement professional with whom they are able to develop a strong working relationship over time.
Chester Diocesan Academies Trust
We believe that the quality of our School Effectiveness Support is a key benefit of CDAT membership.
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